Hesmor – Customized Solution for Sensor and Control Technology
Hesmor GmbH was established as a developer and manufacturer and sales organization of industrial sensors and control technology in Aachen, Germany. Experienced professionals in our R&D department from various industrial fields insure the quality and state of the art of our products. The product line of Hesmor consists of industrial sensors, control modules, display systems and wireless control system solutions for many automation applications.
Through technical innovations, quality-guaranteed production and processes as well as a market-driven sales organization, Hesmor is able to offer its products and solutions with accompanying engineering services in advanced measurement and control systems.

A continuous striving at Hesmor to develop and use state of the art techniques and processes has led to pending certification according to the ISO 9001 quality management system. The long service-life of the products, a careful use of natural resources and optimised energy consumption provide the basis for Hesmor’s application for the certification according to the ISO 14001 environmental management system.
Only an innovative, committed company can master sensor technology to meet the industry's ever-changing requirements. Our highly competent development department and our international network of specialists team up to help you develop and implement optimal solutions.
Hesmor’s Tenet:
Hesmor’s products keep production and control processes easy-running.